CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. About the Fresh Produce Safety Initiative

    food supply. However, it is also necessary to increase consciousness among fresh produce growers, ...

  2. Buckeyes We're Proud Of!

    Congratulations to Jessica Shrake for receiving honorable mention in the student competition (primarily graduate students) at the American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists (AAVP) meeting in Denver, CO this past month!  She completed a collaborati ...

  3. Why farmers come to the Farm Science Review


  4. McSpadden Gardener Lab- Presentations

    Biopesticides: Mechanisms, Strengths, Limitations, and How to Improve Them (pdf) Presented to the American Phytopathological ...

  5. Survey of Flavor Science- Short Course

    applications, it is crucial to have a firm understanding of flavor systems and flavor chemistry.  This survey ...

  6. Get the Latest on Forage Management at Heart of America Grazing Conference

    Grazing Conference this month. The event will be held Jan. 25-26 at the Holiday Inn Hurstbourne in ...

  7. Soybean Rust Manual Available at FSR

    that doesn't mean Ohio and other Midwest soybean growers should forget about the disease and how ... to manage it. A soybean rust manual, "Using Foliar Fungicides to Manage Soybean Rust," is ...

  8. OSU Soil Scientist Lends His Expertise for Al Gore's New Book

    soil management," said Lal, "and it turned into a 90-minute conversation." The ... management procedures, how to measure the amount of carbon in the soil, no-till farming practices and other ...

  9. First Harvest of Forages is Just Around the Corner!

    as fields dry out, if it isn't ready already. First harvest of forage crops and planting of row ...

  10. Ohio State Ranked as a Top 10 Institution Working in Environmental and Ecological Economics

    first to do. The study is now the most up-to-date in the field as previous research only used data up to ...
