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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Observations from Tour of Matlink Dairy in New York

    ground in March, April, and November. With the farm just upwind from the village, it quite often caused ... an anaerobic digester in 2000 and completed it in 2001. In addition to the manure from the cows, ...

  2. Hybrid performance with and without various transgenic traits – Ohio trends

    that of stacked trait hybrids with multiple genes for above and below ground insect resistance. What do ...

  3. Late-Season Wheat Grain Quality Concerns

    which decreases test weight. Additionally, grain will swell each time it is rewetted and may not return ... to its original size as it dries which will also reduce test weight. Thus the enlarge kernels will ... dockage. While vomitoxin contamination is generally higher in fields with high levels of wheat scab, it is ...

  4. Summer Patch Treatment

    will occur, it may be wise to wait a bit longer for the first application. Also some researchers are ...

  5. Hort program receives USDA grant

    reports or information from the strawberry research and Extension program, to view previous year’s trial ...

  6. The Mighty River

    the river's mouth, where it empties into yet another body of water, perhaps a larger river or ... nation's diverse ecosystems. Bringing it all together- Watershed Management. ...

  7. Candy May Join Fight Against Cancer

    Whether it’s a plate or pyramid, healthy eating guidelines always give fruits and vegetables ...

  8. Tail Docking of Dairy Cattle: Is it beneficial or a welfare issue?

    While there are several perceived benefits of tail docking, it is also important to consider the effects ... ability of the cow to use its tail for communication and other normal functions, and altered ability of ... production and animal performance. It has been found that fly numbers are actually greater on tail docked ...

  9. Ohio State Hosts Welfare Contest

    Ohio Poultry Association. The 2016 event is scheduled to occur at The Ohio State University and will ...

  10. CFAES Organizes Climate Change Conference in Tanzania, Promotes Food Security Through iAGRI

    economies and livelihoods of its people, it has remained largely deficient in adopting and adapting ... strategies and practices that will enable the sector deliver to its full capacity”. Nearly 50 papers were ... in its effort to involve a larger pool of stakeholders from diverse backgrounds in climate change ...
