CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Take an IPM Approach to Strawberry Production. Learn How with an OSU Extension Training Program Nov. 14

    corner of Kenny Rd. and Lane Avenue. The program will run from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cost of the event is ...

  2. Summer Experience in Farm Management

    which has as its objective the conversion of plants into milk and meat. All students will be asked to ...

  3. Visit the CFAES Exhibit at the Ohio State Fair

    to bring your children to engage in these fun, educational activities.  To read more about how these ...

  4. Oil & Gas Law Library Updated with Recent Cases

    brief descriptions of what happened. You can find it here. ...

  5. Weather Update

    low in the harvest rainfall outlook. It appears any drying from August into September could be ...

  6. WinterFest Rescheduled to Feb. 27

    WinterFest is February 27 at the SAC. ...

  7. Department Awards $65,000 in Scholarship Money to 31 AEDE Undergrads for 2016-2017 Academic Year

    AEDE held its yearly undergraduate scholarship competition for eligible students enrolled in the ... scholarship funds awarded by the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences to its students ...

  8. 2015 Ohio Fish and Wildlife Conference

    society dues should do so on their own at the conference’s registration table.       ...

  9. Ohio Livestock Mortality Composting Certification Training

    approved species and apply the compost to fields. It is hoped this will expand operator’s options for ...

  10. Milk Price Outlook

    Gary Schnitkey The Basic Formula Price (BFP) in October was $12.84 per cwt., its highest level ...
