CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Why Bee Science Matters


  2. Where’s the Wheat?

    Research Station in Wood County to do a wheat stand count. However, we didn’t find anything to count, and ... slightly warmer temperatures, the wheat has emerged, and we are heading back up to do a stand count this ...

  3. Recognition program honors CFAES’s finest

    CFAES held its 63rd Annual College Recognition Banquet on April 7 in Columbus. The event ...

  4. Cooler Weather Playing a Positive Role in Wheat Development

    reached heading, and it could still be another week before the crop is fully flowering. "It ... the crop itself, but it has slowed development," said Paul, who also holds an Ohio State ... the flowering stage. The only foliar disease currently being reported is powdery mildew, and much of ...

  5. Enhancing Social Media for Farmers Markets

    currently utilizing – whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube or others – and focusing on:  ...

  6. Jams & Jellies

    Food Preservation Workshop Series Food Preservation has made a comeback! Learn how to safely and ... learn how to make delicious jams and jellies while ensuring both quality and food safety. To register, ...

  7. Dr. Pepper Snapple

    will be served starting at 5:00 pm and the information session will start at 5:30 pm. This event takes ...

  8. Grants & Contracts

    funding since its inception in 2010.   Office of Sponsored Programs The Office of Sponsored Programs ...

  9. On-Farm Wheat Field Day-Pickaway County

    Get the latest information from OSU’s wheat team! How low can you go? Wheat freeze tolerance ...

  10. A Day in the Woods- Improving Habitat for Game Species

    and forest succession and how they influence wildlife populations Visit and discuss a variety of ...
