CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Old Corn Disease Causing New Concerns in Ohio

    concerns of potential problems it may cause if not effectively controlled. Northern corn leaf blight, ... severe enough to be a major epidemic, but it's enough to give us a warning sign- that we need to pay ... resistance. It's cheap and effective. The farmer just needs to take the time to work with seed companies ...

  2. 37th Annual Poinsettia Sale

    Cacti, Holly Berry Bundles and more.  The event will run from December 3rd and 4th from 7 a.m.- 7 p.m in ...

  3. Lori Kaser

    and administrative offices and was instrumental in the completion of the  NCURA Peer Review. Since its ...

  4. We Are One Sustainability Fair

    of fun events to support sustainability education to students. This "We Are One" initiative ... charged with promoting environmental sustainability and will be a Zero Waste concert event.   On Friday, ...

  5. Conference Seeks to Boost Profitability of Fish Farming

    Grant Program will also speak during the event, said Bill Lynch, president of the Ohio Aquaculture ... held at the Quest Conference Center, 8405 Pulsar Place, on the north side of Columbus. The event runs ...

  6. Wind Farm Tour with Sierra Club

    Click here for a link to the facebook event/more information. ...

  7. India Gateway

    internship programs at their respective institutions and to discuss how to improve them in the sense of ...

  8. Rush FarmHouse

    fraternity to join them for fall recruitment events. If you have any questions, need a ride or need to RSVP, ...

  9. Navigating Difficult Conversations Workshop

    workshop, participants will learn what conversations fit the context of “difficult” and how to effectively ... seminar are the key skills needed to handle a difficult conversation and how to determine an appropriate ... participants will: Learn how to approach difficult conversations and navigate them successfully. Gain ...

  10. Even With $20/cwt Milk, Controlling Feed Cost Is Important,

    a heat detection protocol for your farm. 2) visual heat detection-two eyes are better than none, and 3) ... increase the probability of detecting estrus or allows for timed inseminations. It is vital that ...
