CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Advanced Clean In Place (CIP)

    pass is required. Please do not make travel arrangements until you receive a confirmation email from ...

  2. Corn Replant Issues

    not only cover replant costs but also net enough to make it worth the effort. Don’t make a final ... yield obtained at the optimum planting date and population. Here’s how these tables might be used to ... of 175 bushels per acre, this increase would amount to a gain of about 3.5 bu per acre. It’s also ...

  3. 'Win-Win-Win': Ohio State's Junior Golf Program Scores an Eagle

    "They taught me a lot," he said. "It really has improved my golfing." Now, he's one ... it. "It's fun," said Elizabeth Blanton, 12, who had never really golfed until joining ... it to be fun for the kids." Golf pros with the Morton Foundation suggested some adjustments, and ...

  4. Memories of Making New Friends

    tickets to the Sugar Bowl back in 2014 when OSU made it and was giving out free tickets to students. We ...

  5. Beef School Webinar

    The OSU Extension Beef School Webinar is an event teaching the important and current topics about ...

  6. Alumni Board to Host Fall Event

    current students in the Department are encouraged to attend. To RSVP for this event or submit an entry, ...

  7. Mud Run Watershed Stream Keepers

    Run to its original condition of supporting an abundant aquatic population. The Mud Run Watershed ...

  8. Manure Boom Application Field Day July 18th

    participants attending the event. Contact the Paulding County Extension Office at (419)399-8225 extension 25 ... for more information. The flier for this event is available here:   http ...

  9. Columbus Urban Farm Tour: Clarfield Farm

    property in the Marion-Franklin neighborhood, selling a portion of its crops directly to local restaurants ...

  10. Managing Nutrients in Agricultural Watersheds

    as farmers. In this webinar you will learn how the risk of phosphorus moving into water is assesed in ...
