CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. CD Weekly Wire- July 29, 2013

    the CFAES News article. Staff Career Development Funding increases Ten-fold: With urging from the ... University Staff Advisory Committee, Ohio State has agreed to tap into its funds from the sale of the parking ...

  2. CFAES conducts survey of animal facilities

    functions; enhance opportunities for new research and research funding; serve as a gateway for community ...

  3. Ph.D. Students Zhang and Wrenn Win the Graduate Student-Led Paper Competition at the 2012 Meeting of the North American Regional Science Council

    included an awards ceremony and at this year’s event AEDE Ph.D. students Wendong Zhang and Douglas Wrenn ...

  4. Annual Plants Trials Underway at Ohio State's Columbus Campus: Come and Judge by Yourself

    available for this event as well, with final departure from campus at 8 p.m. The trials will be open for ...

  5. Horticulturist Named D.C. Kiplinger Chair

    that the funds from the D.C. Kiplinger Endowment be used to conduct basic and applied research that ...

  6. What Every Job Candidate Needs to Know

    attendant to the people who you share an elevator with as you are entering and exiting the building.  Keep ...

  7. Buckeye Parasitology Club

    Buckeye Parasitology Club is accepting new members! This club includes undergraduates, graduate and professional students. Anyone with an interest in parasites (veterinary or human) is welcome to join. For additional information see the OSU Student Club a ...

  8. Meet Mark Partridge: Professor, Swank Chair, and the “Most Influential Author in Regional Science”

    migrations after traumatic shocks such as war, economic volatility, or climatic events. These have long been ...

  9. Some Soil Bacteria Protect Soybeans From Root Diseases

    to protect plants like that with a seed treatment." During the two-year study, funded by an ...

  10. New Soybean Varieties Released

    1994. Funding for the development of the food-grade varieties was supported by the Ohio Soybean Council ...
