CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. CD Wire- January 23, 2013

    event. These outputs might be podcasts and webpages; or newsletters, factsheets and bulletins; or journal ... Poverty Through Entrepreneurship (APTE) Summit is an annual and completely student-led event that ... Saturday, February 9 (an exposition, involvement fair, and networking event all combined into one big ...

  2. CFAES staff win 4 of 12 Ohio State Distinguished Staff Awards

    a mentor to students, liaison to physical facilities, go-to person for event support, and tireless ...

  3. ECO Farming: A New Farming System for the 21st Century

    field day by calling 419-586-2179. Lunch at this event is free.  -30- Andy Vance Jim Hoorman False False ...

  4. Banner Photo of the Week

    This week's photo is courtesy of Joan Galbraith! Have you always wanted your adorable pet to be on the front page of our weekly newsletter? Well now you have your chance!! Any animal can be pictured, whether that be a family pet or simply your favori ...

  5. CD Wire- December 18, 2012

    today's orientation session that can be found at: Register for Ohio Land Use ... split between multiple presenters. Reimbursement from Administration will be made to the department fund ...

  6. Ohio Head Scab Prediction Model Now Serves 23 States

    research to develop the models for the Web site is being funded in part through the U.S. Wheat and Barley ...

  7. OARDC Researcher Receives Tomato Award

    satisfaction," Francis told farmers who attended the field day, "is working with an industry that consists ...

  8. Focus on Food Safety, Current Issues at OPGMA Congress, Jan. 17-19

    Single-day registration is available. Attending only Monday's special food safety and Ohio Produce ...

  9. OSU Extension to Hold LEAP Training

    Environmental Assurance Program), an event being held on Nov. 20 on the Paulding County fairgrounds. The ...

  10. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: The Pennsylvania State University

    offer on whatever topic you want. That includes whether you want events to go, whether you want ... it's going to be. If you decide you want to register for it, it automatically kicks you into the event ... registration system, you go ahead and register, and it keeps you informed of when an event's coming up, ...
