CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Ohio State Expert: Tips Growers Can Use to Get Corn Crop off to a Good Start This Year

    are some proven practices that will help get a corn crop off to a good start:  Perform tillage ...

  2. Children and Water Quality: Learning, Improving in Ohio and Uganda

    a water quality monitoring program so that students in both countries can study their water sources, ...

  3. August CCA Exam Registration is rapidly closing; Specialty areas added for current CCAs

    Adviser Program requires the taking and passing of two exams- the International Certified Crop Adviser ...

  4. GAPS Training: Monroe County

    740-472-0810 The program will be presented WITHOUT technology and will be Amish-friendly. ...

  5. Follow the Rules When Planting Transgenic Corn

    control European corn borer and rootworm, and Round-Up Ready corn and soybeans for enhanced weed control ...

  6. Ghana Sustainable Change Study Abroad Information Session

    sanitation, sustainable energy production and more. The 2014 Ghana Sustainable Change Study Abroad program ... with the community. The program is open to graduate and upper-level undergraduate students from all ... this program, please attend this informational session Monday (10/28) from 3:30 to 4 p.m. in 382 ...

  7. 4-H Program Advisory Meeting


  8. Western Bean Cutworm Egg Masses and Larvae Found in Ohio

    appointment. "We still have a least a month to go for adult moth flights." The data suggests that ...

  9. Farm Land Leasing Program


  10. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Athens County

    form and HERE for more information about the program! Contact Tom Redfern at 740-677-4047 with ...
