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Open Hosue
The College of Veterinary Medicine is hosting their annual Open House on Sunday, September 13 from 12-5pm. There will be information booths featuring student groups and community organizations, an exotic animal display, demonstrations and seminars discus ...
AFA Leaders Conference
Do you feel that you are a leader or possess exceptional leadership skills? Are you searching to strengthen your soft skills and industry knowledge or network? AFA Leaders Conference is a high intensity and highly passionate atmosphere over a four day con ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-07
3 hours, is possible late next week. Nathan Douridas (FSR Farm Manager), David Dugan (Adams, Brown, ...
Farm Bill (ARC/PLC) Meeting
Farm Bill (ARC/PLC) Meeting
Farm to Health Series
Apples, Pears, Peaches Asparagus Beets Berries Carrots, Pumpkin, Squash, Sweet Potato Cherries Cruciferous Dark Green Leafy Vegetables General Green Beans Melons Peppers Sweet Corn Tomatoes ...
Iceland President Focuses on Green Energy During Ohio State Visit
settled the island in the ninth century. Carbon sequestration, also known as carbon farming, refers to the ...
Welcome Week!
Finding yourself with nothing to do during the first week of the semester? Nonsense! Welcome Week is one of the most exciting and fun-filled weeks of the year! It's a great time to get out, meet new people and maybe even join a club or two! Here are ...
Past Events