CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Ashtabula County SNAP-Ed Program Overview

    local health fairs and community events and radio or television public service announcements. The ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-41

    with the latest information in agronomic crop production. The event is designed to highlight current ... known as the cerrado (over 750 million acres) which is suitable for intensive farming. The soils which ... the same hybrids were conducted at eight on-farm sites with the cooperation of OSU Extension Agents ...

  3. Recent Projects Constructed by the Members of Farm Operations

      Side Dump Trailer      Starting with an old trailer axle and backhoe cyllinders, this trailer was built to haul manure, compost, mulch, or other materials.                by D. Kosier & J. Wolbaugh   Belt Elevator      This belt elevator was built f ...

  4. Faculty Want to Get to Know You!

    Under the leadership of our new Department Chair, Dr. John Foltz, the faculty in the Department of Animal Sciences embarked on a Visioning for the Future exercise on February 27, with the aid of two OSU personnel serving a meeting facilitators. The purpos ...

  5. Chipotle Fundraiser

    Make dinner a selfless act by joining the Pre-Veterinary Medical Association for a fundraiser at Chipotle! Stop by the Chipotle at 1726 N High on Monday, March 26 from 5:00-9:00pm. Tell the cashier you're supporting the cause and 50% of your purchase ...

  6. Soil Scientist Lal Named University Distinguished Professor, Ohio State’s Highest Honor

    no-till to farms throughout the world. No-till is the best way for soils to store carbon and increase ... India. Lal grew up on a small farm in Punjab, India, helping his family produce such crops as wheat and ...

  7. Information Session for Summer 2018 Animal Sciences South Africa Study Abroad Program

    South Africa: Exotic Animal Behavior and Welfare  Information Session Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017, 212 Animal Science ...

  8. 'Green Is for Life!' Ohio State Campus in Wooster to Host Green Fair

    organic farming, alternative vehicles, sustainable agriculture, green jobs and majors, and more. ...

  9. Milk Price Outlook

    from the sale of milk off the farm is running far ahead of 1997 and for the period January through ...

  10. Ohio State to Co-host International E. coli Symposium

    in the study of  E. coli  and other foodborne illnesses at the farm level and the development of ...
