CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Webinar: Fitting Prescribed Fire into Oak Woodland Management

    Jim Downs, OSU Extension Forestry Field Specialist, and Dr. Andy Londo, professor and OSU Extension ...

  2. 4-H Summer Internship

    Ohio 4-H Animal Sciences is offering a Summer internship! For more information, see attached. ...

  3. Ohio 4-H Achievement Award Applications Due! Applications are accepted up until the next business day if the deadline falls over the weekend.  ...

  4. Office Closed on Presidents Day

    The Scioto County office will be closed on Monday, February 17th. Staff will be working remotely and can be reached at 740-354-7879. ...

  5. Maple Madness Tour

    Maple Madness Tour come have pancakes and syrup with us.  The sugarbush bush sits on 19 acres of woods ... and contains 1200 taps and tubing to gather our sap.  There will be tours of the sugarbush, and an ... operating evaporator boiling maple sap to syrup.  Tours of the horseshoe vernal pool checking for ...

  6. NSLC Vet Med Summer Job

    Virginia Tech this summer. The NSLC offers pre-college summer programs for high school students facilitated ... ambitious young adults while introducing the wide array of career possibilities within their fields of ...

  7. Maple Madness Tour

    be pancakes and Ohio State syrup, along with other maple treats. Tour the 19 acre, 1200 tap sugarbush ... Tour the horseshoe vernal pool looking for salamanders Learn how syrup is made Activities for kids ...

  8. IARI Alumni Association Celebration

    and TAAS in New Delhi, Dr. Lal enjoyed meeting with graduate students and seeing their field projects ...

  9. C-FARM: Lal Team Update in Ohio

    terms of available water capacity, field capacity and permanent-wilting point using pressure plates.   ...

  10. NIFA: Graduate Research

    the early months of Fall 2024, analyzing GHG emissions from the fusarium infected tomato field at ...
