CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Logan Minter

    Logan Minter Professor, Field Specialist Specialty Crops Production Systems 740-970-2053 ...

  2. Cesia Cerrato

    processing, insect identification, and field data collection. Cesia is a student with experience in various ... agricultural fields, including plant science, animal science, agroindustry, environment and development, and ...

  3. Small Farm Conference March 8 in Wooster Ohio, Registration Now Open

    a Hoophouse, Integrated Disease Management Strategies for Apple and Peaches, High Tunnel Tour, Using Cover ... Beef Tour. Anyone interested in developing, growing or diversifying their small farm is invited to ...

  4. Webinar: Fitting Prescribed Fire into Oak Woodland Management

    Jim Downs, OSU Extension Forestry Field Specialist, and Dr. Andy Londo, professor and OSU Extension ...

  5. C-FARM: Graduate Research in Washington, D.C.

    experiences such as a nighttime tour of the West Wing and Oval Office, bowling in the White House, and meeting ...

  6. Morning with the Masters: Container Gardening

    will learn how to grow summer produce in containers. Location: Struthers Library, 95 Poland Ave, ...

  7. Important Dates for SP 25

    Here are some important dates coming up: Friday, Jan. 31: Last day of 50% refund period (Spring ... full term) Last day to drop a Spring full term course using online registration and without receiving ... a “W” Friday, Feb. 7: Last day petition to use Grade Forgiveness Rule-for a spring class forgiving ...

  8. New Extension Forage Agronomist

    address the needs of Ohio farmers. She has initiated one field trial so far, which investigates how ... starting trials on summer annual planting dates and stand evaluation methods this year, since that ...

  9. How To Overwinter Annuals & Tender Flowers Program

    Do you plant annuals each spring and by mid summer they are fizzled out? Join MGVs to learn about ...

  10. Ohio 4-H Achievement Award Applications Due! Applications are accepted up until the next business day if the deadline falls over the weekend.  ...
