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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Tilmon Lab is Hiring! 2025 Field Season

    field data including but not limited to: insect scouting and population monitoring, crop stand counts, ...

  2. Noble County Calving Clinic

    include OSU Extension Beef Cattle Field Specialist- Garth Ruff, Noble County ANR Educator- Christine ... Stage three includes: Placenta expulsion (within 4 days) These are the normal activities in the process ...

  3. Swine Discovery Day

    Pork Prospect is holding a Swine Discovery Day on February 24th! Registration is due by February ...

  4. Faces of Ohio 4-H — Ashley Vetter

    a camp counselor. To this day 4-H camp still stands out as one of her favorite 4-H experiences. “It was ...

  5. GROW your knowledge and support your community: Master Gardener and Naturalist Training Programs This Summer!

    6-9pm MAy 21- July 30th. Saturday field days are also on the schedule for both.   Cost is $250 per ... production, tree ID, gardening for wildlife and more. Learn basic practices in horticulture to then volunteer ...

  6. Cesia Cerrato

    processing, insect identification, and field data collection. Cesia is a student with experience in various ... agricultural fields, including plant science, animal science, agroindustry, environment and development, and ...

  7. How to safely store eggs and find alternatives amid rising prices

    egg prices is driven by a combination of supply shortages, rising production costs, and seasonal ... egg production, a single outbreak can disrupt supply chains for multiple farms, limiting producers’ ... combination of rising production costs, disease outbreaks, and peak seasonal demand creates the perfect recipe ...

  8. Research, supported by the Government of Amazonas, provides technical and economic information on açaí cultivation

    analyses began with the production of seedlings, followed by the planting and development of the plants in ... the field. And these studies should continue for several years, in order to observe the viability ... productivity and quality of the açaí, environmental gain and greater profitability. “In the 15 ha experimental ...

  9. Brenda Medina Privatt

    graduating Autumn 2027 Research Focus: My research focuses on a novel soy-based product. We are currently in ...

  10. Storing, Using, and Marketing Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries in Ohio

    Ribes (Currants, Gooseberry, and Jostaberry) Production and Marketing Series ANR-0163 Agriculture ... fruits were extremely popular in the United States in the 1800s. In 1899, U.S. Ribes production was ... restrictions. Black currants had more restrictions than other Ribes plants. However, commercial Ribes production ...
