CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. 4-H Home Economics Day Camp

    For full details along with a registration form, please use this link. ...

  2. Chow Line: 'Smell test' not safe after power outage (for 7/14/11)

    it's better than a experiencing several days of food-borne illness. For more information, including ...

  3. “Rootless” and “Floppy Corn” Make an Appearance

    temperatures reach the mid 90's or higher on hot days, the nodal root growth of shallow planted corn may ...

  4. Welcome Summer Festivities with Geraniums

    out completely for a day or two appears to encourage even more vigorous blooming.  However, don’t ...

  5. Core Competencies

    commitment to Extension work (the mission, vision, and goals of OSU Extension), productive work habits ... and human resources to add value to OSU Extension products or services; promotes stewardship and ...

  6. 2011 Grad News

    a Difference in the Field of Plant Disease Epidemiology and Disease Management," at the American ...

  7. The Ohio State University South Centers in Piketon Contracts with the University of Rio Grande

    expansion loans using their small business plan, and another established increased product capacity in their ...

  8. Agronomy Meetings Focus On Crop Production Issues

    latest crop production issues through upcoming Ohio Regional Agronomy Meetings. The meetings, sponsored ...

  9. Congressman-elect Renacci Tours OARDC: 'I Look Forward to Working With You'

    things, to create new sources of renewable energy and industrial products. "I'm your ...

  10. Tomato Genes for Health and Profit: Francis Wins OARDC 'Innovator' Award

    agricultural production, develop business, enhance rural communities, and improve the health and well-being” of ...
