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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. TWEL Evan Wilson Thesis

    areas during the period spanning 60 days prior to death.   Sarcoptic mange is currently enzootic in the ...

  2. Last Day to add, change 4-H Projects


  3. NOAA, partners predict severe harmful algal bloom for Lake Erie

    HAB Tracker. As the summer progresses, field observations on water quality, algal biomass and toxicity ...

  4. Are All Grow Lights Created Equal?

    notch!  I had the question the other day about grow lights and what were the ideal types of lights to have ...

  5. Raised Beds Effective in Blueberry Production

    production method. Ohio State University research has found that blueberries grown on raised beds produced ... a result, we get better production- a better root, a better plant, and over time, more plants surviving per ...

  6. OSU Expert: Fruit and Vegetable Growers Have Options to Protect Crops From Frost and Freeze

    the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service's Ohio Field Office ...

  7. OSU Extension Offers Resources and Information to Manage Drought as Conditions Intensify Statewide

    University Extension agronomy field specialist and coordinator of the university’s Agronomic Crops Team. With ...

  8. 2017 Plant Discovery Day & Art Sale

    Free, open to the public. Plants available for sale. ...

  9. Fruit Diseases

          Midwest Home Fruit Production Guide OSU Extension publication (2009) with information on growing fruits ...

  10. Pumpkin Field Day

