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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Study Examines Rural Low-Income Families in Light of Welfare Reform

    often watch the children at the end of a full day's work of their own, Seiling said. Still other ... mothers have jobs with no sick leave, one day away from work because of illness for themselves or their ... for that day." Another factor affecting these families is the lack of affordable health care, ...

  2. Ohio Board of Regents Projects

    researchers are working to identify the best strategies to reduce phosphorus from farm fields to improve the ...

  3. Extension Fact Sheets Address Issues Facing Dairy Farms and How to Manage Them

    decisions must be made with full awareness of both short and long-term production and economic ...

  4. Curious About Ohio's Wine Industry? Learn What It Takes to Establish a Commercial Vineyard

    industry, the key components of wine production, where to look for vineyard resources and who to contact for ...

  5. Community Development

    locally-based, self-reliant food economies—where sustainable food production, process­ing, distribution and ...

  6. TWEL Molly McDermott Dissertation

    production and conservation can co-occur to support environmental and socioeconomic needs. Agroforestry ...

  7. Communiqué May 14, 2014

    assistant is Kathy. There is no product number, simply refer to the Centennial coaster when you contact ...

  8. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Oregon State University

    economic development, where we are seeking and applying innovations in order to develop new products and ...

  9. Professional Societies and Conferences

    top essay among the three fields receives a $250 grand prize. Agricultural and Extension Education ...

  10. OSU Extension Workshop to Tackle Legal Issues in Agriculture

    March 3, 2009 FINDLAY, Ohio-- Legal issues in agriculture will be the focus of a one-day Ohio ...
