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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Soybean Rust or No, Don't Alter Management Practices

    losses. "Growers would probably only be changing the maturity day by about a week. It'll help ...

  2. Calibration Important for Effective Soybean Rust Control

    chemical. "Of the two-thirds who are missing the mark, about half are under spraying and the other half ...

  3. Herbicide and Mulch Combo Superior Method of Weed Control

    treatments. "The industry uses granular applications at about $315 per application. Put on three ...

  4. Under Dry Conditions, Toxic Plants May Attract Livestock

    nonselective grazing. To learn more about toxic plants, refer to OSU Extension Bulletin 762-00 at ...

  5. Researchers Looking for Flood-Tolerant Soybeans

    susceptible to carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide concentration of non-flooded soybean fields is about ...

  6. What Are Distillers Grains Worth? Software Tool Calculates Value

    information about SESAME, go to the Web site, or contact St-Pierre at (614) 292-6507 or e-mail ...

  7. Management Key to Getting the Most Out of Manure

    acre. By contrast, swine manure applied on the soil surface only results in a value of about $80 per ...

  8. Ag Economist Analyzes Farm Bill at Upcoming Farm Forum

    bioenergy and fruits and vegetables. However, it's not clear how they are going to go about doing that. ...

  9. High Yields and a Cost Savings with Liquid Manure

    share their stories about manure management. Educational demonstrations taking place during the event ...

  10. OSU Extension Workshop to Explore Bioenergy Opportunities in Southern Ohio

    bioenergy initiatives that support economic development across Appalachian Ohio. To learn more about OSU ...
