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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Call for Abstracts

    CRAE homepage to learn more about the CRAE 2013 gathering on April 5 and 6, 2013. CRAE provides an ...

  2. Grad Publications 2006-2009

    anthropogenic impact," Env. BioIndicators Vol. 2 (3), July 2007, pp. 146-160. Vega-Snchez, Miguel E., Zeng ... impacts of farming practices and soil environmental factors on rhizosphere abundance of DAPG-producing ...

  3. Leadership Institute: First Session

    About the workshop: This workshop focuses on understanding and applying the dynamics of emotional ...

  4. Ohio State Named National Champion in Environmental March Madness Tournament

    go from a topic that only a niche crowd cared about and even fewer knew the meaning of, to becoming ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-27

    2008 with 3 wheat trials found 7.5 inch row spacing to out yield 15 inch row spacing  by  about  7.2 ... environments, wheat yields in 15-inch rows were about 8.5% less than wheat yields in 7.5-inch rows. To read the ...

  6. 2016 Winter Hort Series: 10 Things You Should Know about Vegetable Gardening

    Sponsored by the Warren County Master Gardener Association Second of a 3-part series- Early registration is advised. For Program Brochure and Registration Form,  click here Speaker Ron Wilson began volunteering with the Ohio State Master Gardener Associat ...

  7. Ohio State Named National Champion in Environmental March Madness Tournament

    go from a topic that only a niche crowd cared about and even fewer knew the meaning of, to becoming ...

  8. Ohio 4-H Engineering Team Places at National Contest

    These 4-H members represented about 350,000 nationwide who completed the projects in local clubs and ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-17

    feeding) appears abundant, then about 20 plants should be inspected at 5 locations in the field to ... and Additional information about ECB can be found ...

  10. Carmen Help

    are many detailed functions to manage grades in Carmen. Please see  the detailed information about ...
