CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Chow Line: Labels can guide healthful choices (for 3/21/10)

    of fiber per 1,000 calories consumed; for adult women, that's about 23-28 grams a day; for men, ... it's about 28-42 grams. Although they're not listed on Nutrition Facts labels, omega-3 fatty acids ...

  2. Chow Line: Know your numbers: calorie counts differ (for 8/16/09)

    You're not alone in being confused about how many calories you need. The "2009 Food and Health ... asked about knowledge of different fats, and 69 percent of respondents said they are concerned with the ...

  3. News

    engaging ways to learn about safety. Some of these opportunities include completing an ASI e-riding course, ... plan to teach 500 students about ATV safety through school assemblies, day camp sessions, and Rider ...

  4. This is the Time to Give Your Sprayer Some TLC

    rubber materials such as hoses and tires and degrades some tank materials. How about the pump, the ...

  5. About Brazil

    ESALQ Website (English Version) Click here for information and a suggested packing list: Class 19 Handbook ...

  6. Secrets of Success Offered in Direct Marketing Workshops

    farmers' markets. His books include Just About Everything a Retail Manager Needs to Know and Think FOR Your ... 246-8292 or e-mail For additional information about direct marketing or DAMA, contact Julie ...

  7. Twitter Turns Idea into Fun Project for OSU Extension Educator

    Twitter and his blog, interest grew. "We've had about 35 or 40 people so far buy a shirt. This ... folks have come forward to make a match. To date, about $400 has been donated to the youth ...

  8. Ohio Joins the National AgrAbility Program

    Review can stop by the booth to learn more about AgrAbility and what the program can do for them," ... impairments. To learn more about the national AgrAbility program, log on to ...

  9. Master Gardeners Give Back During Master Gardener Volunteer Program Week, May 17-24

    about gardening. So much so that they spent over 151,000 hours last year leading beautification ... and events during Master Gardener Volunteer Program Week, or to learn more about the OSU Extension ...

  10. Soybean Rust Confirmed in Southern U.S., But Little Threat to Ohio Crop

    about the disease this growing season. "The first find of soybean rust was reported in Texas on ... in 2004, researchers across the U.S. have learned quite a bit about soybean rust: • The disease is ...
