CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Grad Student Spotlight: Edwin D. Navarro Monserrat

    Department of Plant Pathology since 2019. Tell us about your family/pets: I have five siblings for which ...

  2. 2024 Brown Co. Jr. Fair Sale

    Dairy Goats Sheep Hogs The 4-H and Junior Fair Awards will be held in the Beef Arena at 9 a.m. instead ...

  3. Food Safety Health Illnesses

    Questions? Ask Extension... Read more about food poisioning and you can ask questions by visiting ...

  4. We are Hiring! Join our EFNEP Team!

    Are you passionate about health and nutrition and want to share the information to members of the ...

  5. Exploring the Heart of It All Fall Email Challenge

    post-challenge online surveys will be used to track participant progress and comments. Join our award ...

  6. OSU Celebration- Recognition Dinner

    Volunteers, and our Community Partners. OSU Extension is able to accomplish so much and impact our community ...

  7. Graduate Exit Seminar- Hengkang Zhao

    and climate across various agricultural production stages, and their potential impact on soil physical ...

  8. Hurricane Helene Howls

    will help ease drought in many areas. If you are continuing to experience drought impacts or to ...

  9. Local Workshop Helps Older Adults Reduce Their Fear Of Falling

      When wrapping up one of our Stepping On workshops, it was interesting to hear about some of the ... of her car and felt less fearful about her mobility issues.             Helping participants reduce ... information about how we can stay safe on our feet and feel independent.             Additionally, ...

  10. NEW: Farm To Fork Beef Carcass 4-H Project

    opportunity to learn about raising a market beef project, from hoof to slaughter. Members will enroll in ... judged during the Carcass Contest on June 16. It is a great opportunity to learn more about raising ...
