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Seminar: David Bisaro, Professor, Molecular Genetics, Ohio State; 244 Kottman (Columbus) videolinked to 121 Fisher (Wooster)
Regulation of transcription and translation: Insights from geminivirus pathogenesis ...
CD Weekly Wire- September 9, 2013
Auditorium: What does Extension in Ohio look like (number of and types of people, programs, etc.) five and ten ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-14
flow-ability, Metarex can be applied at 7.5 lb/acre. However, pricing of all three materials on a per acre basis ...
2007-2009 Archive
biocontrol potential abilities of Ohio bacterial isolates over tomato pathogens." Advisor: Brian ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-07
advent of larger planting equipment affecting our ability to add 2x2 attachments due to weight ...
CD Weekly Wire- December 9, 2013
Eric Romich – ESP Creative Works Awards Leadership Positions Rose Fisher Merkowitz – NACDEP (OH) ...
CD Wire- April 15, 2014
features training workshops with Fisher College’s Tracy Dumas and CNN Analyst Tim Wise. Tuesday includes ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-03
maintain our ability to recycle nutrients from animal operations for crop production without representing ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-20
differ in their ability to take up water, their drying rate, the rate at which sugars are used up, and ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-23
unlikely to leach (the exception being preferential flow through macropores) due to its ability to be ...