CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. From the small screen to a national stage

    screen and a national stage.  “I will never forget talking about my choices during the filmmaker Q&A ...

  2. Save the Date: Funding Obligation Discussion Session with VP and Dean Kress YesCollege of Food, Agricultural, and ...

  3. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 28- Corn Harvest Considerations

    2363 2136 R8 R8 R8 R8 R6 R6 R6 R5 R5 R5   Wooster, Wayne County     0.14   Max: 71°F Mean: 67°F ...

  4. Lep Monitoring Network – Final Report on the Fall Armyworm: Update # 24

    Henry, Sandusky, Van Wert, and Wayne. Fall Armyworm Averages and Scouting The statewide average for FAW ... Counties with the highest averages are Van Wert (253.1), Wayne (21.0) and Henry (19.0) (Figure 1). While ...

  5. Research Spotlight: TARDISS

    recycling, CO2 capture, and pollinator services. This initiative is expected to generate an estimated ...

  6. Drought to Frost: Feeding Safe Forages

    new growth utilize heavy stocking rates and rotational grazing. Green chop Green-chopping forages will ...

  7. Farms Need An Emergency Plan

    website at  As always, if you have any livestock, forage, or farm management ... related questions, feel free to contact me at the OSU Extension office in Wayne County at 330-264-8722. ... John Yost is an extension educator IV, Agriculture and Natural Resources, at OSU Extension-Wayne ...

  8. CFAES News | 10.9.2024

    Congratulations, you’re advancing in your career. Yesterday, you were a co-worker with your peers, and now you’re ... their boss. You are now responsible for the development of your former co-workers and the success of ... your department. Your relationships with your co-workers will change and this workshop will help you ...

  9. Horticulture Lunch and Learn Webinars 2024-2025

    partner in plant health Francesca rotondo, program director, c. wayne ellet plant and pest diagnostic ... clinic,  The Ohio State University Bio Dr. Francesca Rotondo is the Program Director of  the OSU C. Wayne ... I am also interested in the response of shaded turfgrasses to other co-occurring stresses such as the ...

  10. Crawford Co. Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification Program

    If you need BOTH Fertilizer & Pesticide Recertification you  must attend the entire session from 5 pm to 9 pm. Cost $45 For Fertilizer Only Recertification the requirement to attend will be from 5 pm to 6 pm ONLY.  Cost $15 For Pesticide Only Recertif ...
