- Any faculty member with a CFAES appointment may apply.
- Applications will be accepted from any interested faculty member; however priority will be given to those with the rank of Assistant Professor (pre-tenure).
- Previous attendees are welcome to apply; however, they will not be eligible for the GDSU stipend.
How to Apply
Interested individuals should email a single PDF document to burant.2@osu.edu with the following:
- Cover Page: Include your name, faculty rank, department, and up to three federal sponsors and/or specific program officers that you would like to meet with.
- Abstract: Provide a comprehensive abstract (1,000 words or less) detailing your research activities and future research goals, a synopsis of any anticipated proposal submissions, and a brief statement on how your participation will enhance your competitiveness for funding.
- Curriculum Vita (3-page limit including publications): Include a list of publications, contributed and invited talks, and funding history - covering submitted, funded and non-funded proposals.
The application deadline is January 8, 2025.
Review Process
Applications will be reviewed by the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education and the GDSU. Selected applicants will be notified in late January 2025.
The GDSU will contribute $500 per participant to the cost of attending this special event. Departments will pay for all costs to attend up front, and GDSU will transfer the stipend to the department to assist with travel costs after the event is finished. GDSU will provide recommended hotels and itineraries; however, selected attendees will be responsible for making their own travel arrangements in accordance with university policy (flights, lodging, etc.).
Departments will be responsible for maintaining all travel documentation.
Please direct questions to Melissa Burant, burant.2@osu.edu.