Melissa Burant is a Senior Grants and Contracts Specialist and is a Certified Research Administrator (CRA). Melissa provides college-level pre-award support, working closely with researchers to help them navigate the complexities of federal, state, and non-profit grant solicitations. She also serves as the Program Coordinator for CFAES D.C. Days, an annual trip to Washington D.C., that gives researchers an opportunity to become more competitive by visiting with federal funding agencies.
Since joining the college in 2012, Melissa has served as the CFAES Internal Grants Program Manager and as a Program Assistant for the OARDC Director’s Office. Her experience includes writing and editing impact statements, preparing the annual NIFA Plan of Work and Report of Accomplishments, grant proposal preparation and compliance, budgeting, leading grant panels, and general office management. She has also coordinated the College’s “First Tuesdays” faculty development program and has assisted in organizing the Junior Faculty Development Conferences. She provides a high level of organizational skills, information management, and program management and development.
Melissa holds a B.A. in English Literature and Women’s and Gender Studies from Ohio University. She is a member of NCURA (National Council of University Research Administrators), SRAI (Society of Research Administrators International), and NORDP (National Organization of Research Development Professionals).