CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Research News - October 2023

Sep. 26, 2023
Anastasia Vlasova, Animal Sciences Department pipetting in a hood

Inside this Issue

  • D.C Days 2024 Request for Applications Now Available!
  • CFAES IGP Faculty Proposals Due October 11, 2023
  • Congratulations to the new CFAES Strategic Alignment for Research Success (STARS) cohort
  • NSF Biosketch and Current & Pending Updates

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Funding Opportunties 

As funding opportunities are announced we will compile a full list on our website. The web page will be updated periodically as new opportunities are discovered.

  • USDA Conservation Innovation Grants
    On-Farm Conservation Innovation Trials applications should address at least one of the following priorities: irrigation management technologies; feed management and enteric methane reduction; grazing lands; nutrient management; and soil health demonstration trials.
    Deadline: October 30, 2023

  • NSF Major Research Instrumentation
    MRI provides support to acquire critical research instrumentation without which advances in fundamental science and engineering research may not otherwise occur, to obtain next-generation research instruments, and to enhance student research training.
    Deadline: November 15, 2023

View All Funding Opportunities

Washington D.C. Capitol BuildingD.C. Days RFA Now Available!

Melissa Burant, Senior Grants and Contracts Specialist

The CFAES Office for Research and Graduate Education and the Grant Development Support Unit (GDSU) are pleased to announce D.C. Days 2024.

This program is an opportunity for faculty researchers from the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) to become more competitive by visiting federal program officers and federal funding agencies in Washington D.C. This allows the researcher to determine if their basic research concept is a good match to the sponsor’s mission, seek advice concerning project design and appropriate funding tracks, and better understand the peer review process. This is an excellent opportunity for networking and to increase your grant writing skills.

We hope to provide this experience to 10 CFAES faculty, determined through the competitive application process. Applications are accepted from any interested faculty member; however, priority is given to those with the rank of Assistant Professor, especially those who have grant writing experience.

The deadline for applications is January 4, 2024. Successful applicants will be notified in late-January 2024. The trip will take place May 6-9, 2024.

Apply Now

Top view of calendar, laptop, pen and plant on a white backgroundSpotlight

  • Effort Certification in Workday
    A new aggregate tab default view is now available in Workday. The new view will summarize effort certification events, display rows by grant and award types, and eliminates extra data displayed in the detail tab.

  • CFAES IGP Faculty Proposals Due
    As a reminder, the CFAES Internal Grants Program faculty proposals for FY 2024 are due October 11, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. EST. Contact with questions.

group of CFAES STARS posing in front of buildingCongratulations to the CFAES STARS!

Shannon Hollis, Grants and Contracts Management Senior Analyst

The third Cohort of the Strategic Alignment for Research Success (STARS) program began on September 14, 2023, with a kickoff meeting and luncheon at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. This program is an initiative to identify and develop the next generation of research leaders among early and mid-career tenure track faculty within the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. The goal of the STARS Program is to propel emerging research leaders – those individuals with the interest, vision, and motivation – to take their research programs to a higher and more collaborative level. The program will provide participants with the information, skills, and connections they need to assemble and lead large-scale teams in the pursuit of major extramural funding.

Cohort participants will participate in a series of research leadership development sessions and roundtables that will culminate in the development a 5-year research action plan that they will present at the end of the program in April 2024 during the Annual Research Conference.

This is the third year of the program. A total of 22 faculty participated in the first two Cohorts.

To learn more about this year’s cohort, please visit the link below.

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In the News

NSF Biosketch and Current & Pending Updates

NSF is requiring the use of Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv) to prepare all biographical sketches and current and pending (other) support documents for new proposals submitted or due on or after October 23, 2023.

SciENcv is a new electronic system that helps researchers assemble the professional information needed for participation in federally funded research. SciENcv gathers and compiles information on expertise, employment, education and professional accomplishments. Researchers can use SciENcv to create and maintain biosketches that are submitted with grant applications and annual reports.

SciENcv allows researchers to describe and higlight their scientific contributions in their own words.

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Research Development & Grant Writing News

We invite you to access the current issue of Research Development and Grant Writing News. The Enterprise for Research, Innovation, and Knowledge | Research Development Office provides access to this subscription-based newsletter for the entire campus community.

  • Biotechnology at USDA/NIFA in FY2024 Budget – USDA/NIFA’s FY2024 budget request to fund biotechnology research in alignment with the White House’s priorities.
  • Overview: Bioenergy Technologies Office at DOE –DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Bioenergy Technologies Office: how it’s organized, what its priorities are, and what it funds.
  • Understanding NSF For NIH PIs – NSF is increasingly funding research with health relevance, but PIs who are used to writing proposals to NIH must understand differences in framing and emphasis compared to NIH.
  • Multi-Agency R&D Priorities for the FY 2025 budget – Learn about the recently released memorandum from the Office of Management and Budget, “Multi-Agency Research and Development Priorities for the FY2025 budget,” which will help to inform Federal R&D budget requests.
  • What Is Your Great Idea and Why Is It Important? – For beginning grant writers, how to explain your great idea, balancing both the “what” and the “how” (reprinted from the September 2019 issue).

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Recent Awards

  • Carol Smathers - OSU Extension, et al (D. Remley), $499,330: High Obesity Program – Ohio, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Darren Drewry - FABE, $649,882: Developing field-based high-throughput phenotyping for coffee yield, physiological performance and disease resistance, National Institute of Food and Agriculture
  • Ashley Leach - Entomology, et al (A. Michel, M. Rodriguez), $98,864: Addressing IPM challenges: 3D printing in practice, National Institute of Food and Agriculture
  • Darren Drewry - FABE, $219,453: CAREER: Land-atmosphere coupling and feedback in the context of climate change, National Science Foundation Div of Atmospheric Sciences
  • Enrico Bonello - Plant Path, $108,171: Mapping the risk of beech leaf disease in the United States, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
  • Dee Jepsen - FABE, et al (E. Barrett, J. Hattey, L. Beers, R. Leeds), $153,051: Preparing extension to respond to train derailments and other community disasters, National Institute of Food and Agriculture
  • Ken Martin - OSU Extension, $349,920: Building community capacity to support mental health and prevent substance use disorders in rural Ohio, National Institute of Food and Agriculture
  • Ryan Winston - FABE, et al (A. Tirpak), $589,809: Strategic mowing and nutrients in roadway stormwater, OH Dept of Transportation
  • Anastasia Vlasova - CFAH, et al (L. Saif, Q. Wang), $205,587: Origin and host adaptation of the novel canine coronavirus (CCoV-HuPn-2018) isolated from a human pneumonia patient, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

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