CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Research News - July 2024

July 1, 2024
Dr. Guo-Liang Wang, Plant Pathology and Dr. David Francis, Horticulture and Crop Science stand next to each other in the greenhouse and smile for the camera.

Inside this Issue

  • CFAES R&GE is pleased to announce the FY25 Internal Grants Program RFP is now available.
  • The Bezos Earth Fund has launched the $100 million AI for Climate and Nature Grand Challenge.
  • Suggest companies to invite to attend GSPIRE (Graduate Student and PostDoc Industry Recruitment Event).
  • Learn statistical techniques in R/R Studio as well as data management using Git/GitHub in ENTMLGY 6707.

Download the PDF

Funding Opportunties 

As funding opportunities are announced we will compile a full list on our website. The web page will be updated periodically as new opportunities are discovered.

  • Advancing nutrition via gene editing
    Bayer seeks to partner with academic researchers and companies to develop new fruit and vegetable products that have increased nutritional content, enhanced consumer appeal or positive impact on the environment by harnessing the speed and precision of gene editing/new breeding techniques.
    Deadline: July 31, 2024

  • Harvest for Health Challenge
    This Challenge aims to accelerate the development of underutilized crops and to increase the diversity of nutritious foods in the marketplace. FFAR & Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), with support from RF Catalytic Capital, launched this challenge to accelerate development of underutilized crops.
    Deadline: August 7, 2024

View All Funding Opportunities

A scientist in a lab coat and goggles closely inspects a small plant.

FY25 Internal grants program RFP Now Available!

Alex Maddox, CFAES IGP Coordinator

The CFAES Office for Research & Graduate Education is pleased to announce the FY 2025 Internal Grants Program Request for Proposals is now available. Keep an eye out for more information in the coming weeks and be sure to review the RFP and application templates for the full list of proposal requirements. Note that student competitions will be released later in the summer.

New Researcher Incentive Program (maximum of $75,000 per award)

  • Objective: CFAES recognizes that many new researchers have the interest and ability to develop innovative and robust research programs that can generate preliminary data needed to secure externally funded sponsored projects. The New Researcher Incentive Program aims to fund new, innovative research to generate that preliminary data.
  • Eligibility: Principal Investigators must be in a tenure-eligible position, research scientists, or postdoctoral researchers in an academic unit or program within CFAES. New Researchers must also have been employed at OSU for less than six years in their current position and have PI status approval from the Office of Research. Adjunct or Emeritus faculty are not eligible. Positions designated as limited or Co-PI status by the Office of Research are not eligible.

Immediate Needs Program (maximum of $75,000 per award)

  • Objective: CFAES recognizes the high potential to address immediate needs areas that are critical to our stakeholders and society. The Immediate Needs program provides funding to address critical needs by exploring new areas of research that CFAES does not currently address and/or applied research that directly supports CFAES stakeholders. The program will also consider funding projects that provide researchers and teams the resources to learn or develop new techniques or approaches that will position CFAES to better serve stakeholders or make faculty more competitive for future funding opportunities.
  • Eligibility: All CFAES researchers with Principal Investigator status are eligible to submit a proposal (except adjunct and emeritus faculty). Proposals must be submitted by a group (2 or more) of investigators. Investigators (both lead and Co-PI) may be from the same academic unit, but not the same lab.

Due 10/2/24 by 5:00 p.m. Please submit online via the CFAES-R&GE Internal Grants Submission Portal.

Additional Information
Interested in learning more about IGP? Please direct all questions to Alexandria Maddox at or visit for more information.

View our informational video on the R&GE website where Alexandria walks viewers through the process step-by-step and follow along via the downloadable PowerPoint guide. The recorded session will introduce you to the IGP competition categories, eligibility requirements, submission portal, application process & review and commonly asked questions.

Learn More

Hands clapping.Spotlight

Congratulations to the following SI core faculty:

Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure

  •  Matthew Hamilton - SENR
  •  Ryan Winston - FABE

Congratulations to the following SI affiliated faculty:

Promotion to Professor

  •  Eric Romich - OSU Extension
  •  Christopher Zoller - OSU Extension

Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure

  •  Sami Khanal - FABE

From the Sustainability Institute Faculty Newsletter - 6/11/2024

In the News

A researcher holds a clipboard and turns a dial on a high tech piece of equipment.

Payroll Accounting Adjustments Update
Beginning July 1, 2024, to align with federal guidance, payroll accounting adjustments (PAAs) will no longer be processed for past certification periods. This means that:

  • Once certified, effort will be considered final.
  • Salary cost transfers must either be processed prior to issuance of effort certification documents or corrected during the certification process. If effort for a past period isn’t certified, it is an unallowable cost.

PAAs submitted after certification and PAAs adjusting effort that occurred before the most recent certification period will be denied and uncertified effort will be billed back to the investigator’s department, consistent with processes for all unallowable expenditures.  

Ask Questions: PAA Office Hours
Leadership from the Enterprise for Research, Innovation and Knowledge will hold virtual office hours and provide a short overview of the change as well as answer questions Fridays on the following dates from 9 - 9:45 AM: July 5, July 12, July 19, and July 26.

Add the sessions to your calendar and receive the link to join. 

From the OSU Enterprise for Research, Innovation and Knowledge

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Grant Searching Made Easy: Mastering Keywords on
Unlock the full potential of and discover the perfect grant opportunity for your organization. Use these search tips & tricks to navigate the vast landscape of funding opportunities offered on

From the Newsletter - May 2024

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Research Development & Grant Writing News
We invite you to access the current issue of Research Development and Grant Writing News. The Enterprise for Research, Innovation, and Knowledge | Research Development Office provides access to this subscription-based newsletter for the entire campus community.

  • June 2024 Select List of Humanities, HSS, and Arts Opportunities & News
  • Funding Profile: Homeland Security Office of University Programs in Sci. & Tech.
  • New Faculty Guide to Finding NSF Funding
  • Heads up! NSF’s New Graduate Student Mentoring Plan Requirement
  • Unsolicited Proposals to Federal Agencies
  • Win Your Grant on Page 1
  • To Revise, Re-Write, or Begin Anew? (reprinted from the January 2019 issue).

From the June 2024 Issue of Research Development & Grant Writing News Listserv on 6/20/2024 -Subscribe

Read More Subscribe

New Fringe Benefit Rates effective 7/1/2024-6/30/2025
Faculty: 25% (ODP-17%)
Staff: 30%
Students: 8.2%

An individual stands in the shallow lake water taking a sample. AI for Climate and Nature Grand Challenge
The Bezos Earth Fund has launched this $100 M global initiative exploring new ideas for multiplying the impact of climate and nature efforts using modern AI. The first round of awards focuses on sustainable proteins, power grid optimization, and biodiversity conservation, in addition to embracing visionary wildcard solutions for climate and nature. Read more about the Grand Challenges on the ai for climate and nature website.

From the North Central Regional Association of State Agricultural Experiment Station Directors - 6/12/2024

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A blurry computer screen displaying coding is made clear through a pair of glasses sitting on a desk. Entomological Techniques and Data Analysis
Dr. Kayla Perry and Dr. Samuel Ward are offering an online data science course this fall. If you are interested in learning statistical techniques in R/R Studio as well as data management using Git/GitHub, this course might be for you! Feel free to reach out with any questions.

You’ll learn:

  • Develop foundational skills using the word’s most popular statistical software: R and R Studio (free to download).
  • Learn best practices in open science, such as how to interface with GitHub using R Studio.
  • Get hands-on eperience analyzing data using linear mixed-effects models and multivariate commuinty analyses.
  • No prior experience - with R, GitHub, or insects - is required.

From the CFAES Wooster Community Listserv - 6/5/2024

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Helpful Hints to Understanding NIFA’s Funding Opportunities
New to the National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s (NIFA) funding opportunities? Or maybe you’ve been a NIFA grant recipient before. Either way, NIFA has online resources available for potential applicants to our programs.

From the North Central Regional Association of State Agricultural Experiment Station Directors - 5/10/2024

Submit Suggestions for GSPIRE
Faculty, are you aware of companies that might be interested in hiring Ohio State graduate students? Graduate students and postdocs, what companies would you like to work at after academia? We are requesting suggestions of companies (and contact information if possible) to invite them to attend GSPIRE (Graduate Student and PostDoc Industry Recruitment Event), which will take place later this fall. If you have any suggestions, please complete the excel form linked below.

From the 2024 GSPIRE Planning Committee email - 6/24/2024

Fill Out Form

Upcoming NIFA webinars

7/1/24 | 2:00 PM EDT, 2024 Open Data Framework RFA Technical Assistance Live Q&A Webinar
This program will build a framework to create a neutral & secure data repository and cooperative where producers, universities and nonprofit entities can store and share data in ways that will foster ag innovation.

7/2/24 | 2:00 PM EDT, Technical Assistance Webinar: 1890 Capacity Building Grants Program RFA
Program staff will host an RFA technical assistance webinar for the 1890 Capacity Building Grants Program followed by a live Q&A session

7/8/24 | 12:00 PM EDT, NIFA Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Animal Health Research Opportunities
USDA NIFA will hold an informational webinar regarding relevant program area priorities where proposals related to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in animal health will be considered for AFRI programs.

7/25/24 | 1:00 PM EDT, Technical Assistance Webinar: AFRI-EWD Agricultural Workforce Training at Community Colleges RFA
USDA NIFA staff will present information about the AFRI-EWD Agricultural Workforce Training at Community Colleges program RFA for FY24. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions.

From USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Daily Digest Bulletin 6/26/2024

Recent Awards

  • Melanie Ivey - Plant Path, $10,000: Can mustard pollen mitigate Vairimorpha (Nosema) infection in honey bee colonies?, Pollinator Partnership
  • Jamie Strange - ENT, $149,357: siRNA suppression of Vairimorpha (=Nosema) bombi in captively reared yellow banded bumble bees (Bombus terricola) for species recovery efforts in the Northeastern United States, One Hive Foundation
  • Talita Resende - Animal Sciences, Jacqueline Nolting - Vet Med, $146,290: PorkProspect: Nurturing talent for a sustainable swine industry, NPB project swine education & outreach professionals – 2024, National Pork Board
  • Jim Ippolito - SENR, $102,486: Assessing biosolid treatment processes on environmental fate and plant uptake of pollutants from land application of biosolids, Michigan State University
  • Enrico Bonello - Plant Path, $327,317: Increasing infrastructure for early detection of native and invasive forest pathogen deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), US Forest Service
  • Gwynn Stewart - OSU Extension, $40,000: Partnering to customize building an entrepreneur friendly community curriculum for the outdoor recreation, Purdue University
  • Scott Kenney - CFAH, $177,188: Evaluation of nanoparticle delivered CRISPR/Cas13-targeting hepatitis E virus as a therapeutic, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
  • Rafael Jimenez-Flores - FST, $52,703: Design of a simple process to obtain an ingredient rich in milk fat globule membrane and milk phospholipids, Dairy Management Inc.

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