CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Research News - February 2023

Feb. 6, 2023
Dr. Laura Lindsey in the field crossing her arms and looking at the camera

Inside this Issue

  • Get the 4-1-1 on the New Nationwide AgTech Innovation Hub from Dr. Gary Pierzynski
  • CFAES is soliciting student applications for our summer undergraduate research programs for summer 2023 - ORIP & SROP
  • Save the Date for the Research Forum & Poster Competition as part of the 2023 Celebration of Research Week, March 27-31
  • Twenty-five researchers selected for the second GRO Academy cohort - Dr. Cooperstone & Dr. Jacquet represent CFAES

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Funding Opportunties 

As funding opportunities are announced we will compile a full list on our website. The web page will be updated periodically as new opportunities are discovered.

  • FFAR Seeding Solutions 2023 Request for Applications
    FFAR seeks to award ten applications, prioritizing those projects that emphasize a commitment to cross-sector partnerships. To be considered, applications must address and provide solutions to an intractable problem and/or accelerate innovation within FFAR’s Challenge Areas or AgMission.
    Deadline: March 8, 2023

  • Ohio Sea Grant Request for Proposals
    For research projects on Great Lakes issues with significance to Lake Erie and its watershed. Main priorities: aquaculture, marine debris and emerging contaminants, economics & coastal community development, environmental ed., climate change resiliency, healthy coastal ecosystems, & hypoxia.
    Pre-Proposal Deadline: March 2, 2023

View All Funding Opportunities

Researcher standing in a greenhouse holding a specimen to the light to analyzeThe 4-1-1 on the New Nationwide AgTech Innovation Hub

Gary Pierzynski, Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Education

Please note the request for proposals (RFP) for the Nationwide AgTech Innovation Hub in this newsletter and that was also released on January 25 from my office. I won’t repeat the details here but wanted to take this opportunity to encourage you to read the RFP and to submit a letter of intent for a possible project. The topics listed in the RFP cover a wide range of interests under the general theme of understanding, mitigating, and managing climate risk to the food supply chain.

I also wanted to highlight some of the differences between projects that might be funded by this initiative and a more typical funded project. These differences are significant and require a different approach. Specifically, the budget period is one year initially, and the start dates will be immediately after the recipients receive notification of the award. The short duration and rapid start means that proposed projects will need to be a continuation or expansion of existing work, or new efforts that fit the accelerated schedule. Projects need to be innovative and that provide or lead to solutions regarding climate risk in a relatively short period of time. Existing ideas or concepts that are close to being ready for deployment and that address “user-defined” topics would be ideal.

Finally, the Nationwide AgTech Innovation Hub is a product of the long-standing relationship between CFAES and Nationwide. It is a new approach to a partnership that will challenge how we are accustomed to conducting our research but that has the potential to provide much needed solutions to critical issues for food, agriculture, and the environment. I encourage you to consider submitting a letter of intent to this program and am confident that we will develop a portfolio of innovative projects. Please feel free to reach out directly to me if you have questions about this program or wish to discuss project ideas. 

View RFP Submit an Application Details 

Small car on a mapSpotlight

  • NSF PAPPG Changes (NSF 23-1) 
    NSF has recently enhanced the biographical sketch and current and pending (other) support fillable PDFs. The updated formats are consistent with the Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) and are available on the NSF biographical sketch and current and pending (other) support websites. 

  • NIFA Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2022-2026
    National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2022-2026 is now available. This plan will serve as their roadmap for the next four years to shape decision-making and effectively and efficiently accomplish their critical priorities.
  • USDA Sexual Harassment Notification Process
    USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) is committed to ensuring equal opportunity in all its programs and activities. NIFA prohibits harassment of any kind, including sexual harassment at institutions who are recipients of federal funding and in any federally assisted program or activity.

Student in a lab wearing a lab coat next to the text, "CFAES 2023 Undergraduate Research Opportunities - Learn More!"New & Newsworthy

2023 Undergraduate Research Opportunities with OSU CFAES
The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) is soliciting student applications for our summer undergraduate research programs for summer 2023. As a land-grant institution, we are devoted to accessible education and helping those in our communities through research translation and outreach. Our college participates in two primary summer undergraduate research experience (REU) programs – the OSU Research Internship Program (ORIP) and the Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP).

Both programs provide full-time, paid, summer internship opportunities to budding researchers. Participants will be matched with a faculty mentor to pursue cutting edge research at one of the top institutions in the nation. From understanding best practices for growing food, pest management, animal reproduction and nutrition, environmental quality, zoonotic diseases... the research at our college touches every aspect of life.

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Safe and Inclusive Working Environments for Off-Campus or Off-Site Research
Chapter II.E.9, Safe and Inclusive Working Environments for Off-Campus or Off-Site Research, describes the new requirement for the Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) to certify that an organization has a plan in place for safe and inclusive research for any proposal that proposes to conduct off-campus or off-site research. This section also provides considerations for plan development, communication, and dissemination. 

Key Takeaways: 

  • Effective January 30, 2023, If the work included in a proposal includes ANY research activities that take place off-campus or off-site, the AOR is required to certify that we have a plan in place to ensure safe and inclusive research.  
  • This will impact all CFAES departments  
  • NSF requires us to obtain a copy of this plan prior to proposal submission, however, this plan should not be uploaded and submitted to NSF for review. Instead, we should be sure to save this plan in our proposal folder. 
  • If the proposal is funded, the PI will need to distribute this plan to all individuals participating in the off-campus or off-site research activity prior to the activity taking place. 

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Research Development & Grant Writing News
We invite you to access the current issue of Research Development and Grant Writing News. The Enterprise for Research, Innovation, and Knowledge | Research Development Office provides access to this subscription-based newsletter for the entire campus community.

Articles of Interest:

  • January 2023 Select List of Humanities, HSS, and Arts Opportunities & News – We list funding opportunities for scholars in the humanities, social sciences and the arts.
  • Give a Wide Berth to Potential Plagiarism – We discuss NSF’s advice on how to avoid plagiarism in proposals.
  • Seven Newly Posted DOE/SC Workforce FOAs – Workforce development is a big priority of the Biden Administration. We discuss funding opportunities recently released by DOE focused on workforce development. 
  • The First Response to a BAA is Often a White Paper – If you’re responding to a broad agency announcement, be prepared to write a white paper. We discuss the process. 
  • Too Much Why and Not Enough How – We discuss a common proposal mistake: wasting space describing an obvious need, while neglecting to describe how you will actually meet it (reprinted from the July 2014 issue).

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Outside Activities and Conflicts Policy Monthly Training
As a part of the university’s commitment to fostering a culture of integrity, the Office of University Compliance and Integrity offers a monthly training on the new Outside Activities and Conflicts Policy, which incorporates the Ohio Ethics Law and federal research regulations regarding conflicts of interest. This training is particularly encouraged for university leaders, supervisors, managers, and researchers, but all are welcome to attend.

Topics will include:

  • Consulting and outside employment/service
  • Accepting gifts
  • Contracting with the university
  • Conflicts of interest in research

Choose a session to attend via BuckeyeLearn. You can also visit and use your “name.#” credentials to log in. Use the search bar in the top right of the screen to find the “Outside Activities and Conflicts” event. If the session you want is full, you can request it and be put on the waitlist; you will receive an email if an opening becomes available.



Black and white image of a written paper on an open laptop screenNIH Data Management Plan Tip
The agency, whose new data management plan and sharing policy goes into effect January 25, reminds applicants that hyperlinks are not permitted in the DMS Plan attachment. Including them could lead to an application being withdrawn from consideration.

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Man using a tabletExempt Human Subjects Research  
Are you new to human subjects research and want to know more about exempt determinations? The Office of Responsible Research Practices will present a session on human subjects research activities that are exempt from IRB review on 2/21 from 1-2 PM via CarmenZoom.



Breakthrough Biological Technologies for National Security
The DARPA Biological Technologies Office (BTO) is sponsoring an outreach event for university researchers, potential performers and transition partners. Entitled "Breakthrough Biological Technologies for National Security," the discussion will highlight current programs and how best to work with the agency. The event will be held on Thursday, February 23, 2023 via Zoom from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. ET.

Following an introduction by BTO Director Dr. Kerri Dugan, Ms. Efstathia (Effie) Fragogiannis, Director of the DARPA Contracts Management Office, will provide information on “Doing Business with DARPA.” Then DARPA program managers will provide overviews of their programs describing technical achievements and the current state-of-the-art technologies developed by performers. A moderated discussion session will then follow. Meeting logistics and an agenda will be provided leading up to the event.

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Doctor Cooperstone and Dr. Jacquet headshotsTwenty-five researchers selected for the second Growing Research Opportunities Academy cohort
Representing seven colleges from around the university, 25 researchers have been selected through a competitive process for the 2023 Growing Research Opportunities (GRO) Academy. This professional development program helps researchers develop the skills and confidence to work on and lead effective interdisciplinary research teams. The curriculum was specifically designed – using models of training through evidence-based guidelines – to provide a supportive environment for learning about and applying the principles of team science. Members of the 2023 cohort from CFAES include Jessica Cooperstone, PhD, Assistant Professor (left) and Jeffrey Jacquet, PhD, Associate Professor (right).

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NW AgTech Innovation Hub - Request for Proposals Now Available

A Message from Gary Pierzynski

CFAES Research Community,

This is a friendly reminder about the unique opportunity to submit letters of intent for the Nationwide AgTech Innovation Hub RFP by March 10, 2023. Complete details are below. The first information session on this RFP is at 11 AM on Friday, February 10. To register, follow the link at the bottom of this email. A representative from Nationwide will participate in this session to address questions. In addition, Nationwide has provided the following video to help generate interest. There will be two more info sessions before the due date and Nationwide will be releasing additional supporting materials that we will share as they become available.

Watch Video

At Farm Science Review last September, The Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences announced the formation of an AgTech innovation Hub. The Hub is aimed at collaborating on research and innovation activity focused on developing new solutions to help the agriculture ecosystem understand, manage, and mitigate climate risk. Initiatives will focus on applied research, technology transfer, the exchange of knowledge and experience, and transdisciplinary innovation in support of agricultural technology.

One component of the AgTech Innovation Hub provides support for applied research and we are pleased to provide the linked request for proposals with a due date of March 10 for letters of intent. Please read the RFP carefully and be aware that there is interest in a wide range of projects including the social sciences, economics, and policy. This is a unique opportunity in that projects will be of short duration (1 year initially), well-funded (up to $150,000), have an accelerated timeline (anticipated May 1 start date), and a low likelihood that requests for no-cost extensions would be approved. These parameters will influence the type of projects that can be proposed and that is intentional.

View RFP Submit an Application

Virtual Information Sessions
To help prospective applicants develop projects suitable for submission, a series of virtual information sessions will be held tentatively scheduled for

Individuals are invited to contact Dr. Gary directly if they have questions or wish to discuss project ideas.


The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) intends to issue, on behalf of the Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO), two Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) in or around January 2023: 

1. DE-FOA-0002910, entitled "Reducing Carbon Intensity and Protecting Algal Crops (RACIPAC)”  

Area of Interest (AOI) 1: Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices for Low Carbon Intensity (CI) Feedstocks 

Area of Interest 2: Algae Crop Protection 

2. DE-FOA-0002946, entitled “2023 Conversion R&D FOA." 

Area of Interest 1: Overcoming Barriers to Syngas Conversion 

Area of Interest 2: Strategic Opportunities for Decarbonization of the Chemicals Industry Through Biocatalysts 

These FOAs support the Bioenergy Technologies Office’s research and development (R&D) priorities in the areas of (a) Renewable Carbon Resources (RCR) and (b) Conversion. Specifically, the RACIPAC FOA will support high-impact R&D focusing on reducing the carbon intensity of agricultural feedstocks, improving soil carbon levels, and protecting cultivated algal crops from pests. The Conversion R&D FOA will support development of technologies that convert domestic lignocellulosic biomass and waste resources including industrial syngas into affordable biofuels and bioproducts that significantly reduce carbon emissions on a life-cycle basis (minimum of 70% decrease in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions), compared to equivalent petroleum-based products.  

The R&D activities to be funded under both FOAs support the government-wide approach to the climate crisis by driving innovations that lead to the deployment of clean energy technologies. These FOAs will advance President Biden’s Administration’s goals to “deliver an equitable, clean energy future, and put the United States on a path to achieve net-zero emissions, economy-wide, by no later than 2050.“1 R&D activities funded from these FOAs provide routes to transform renewable carbon resources such as agricultural residues and algae into high-quality, environmentally sustainable, conversion-ready feedstocks and to develop and deploy the conversion technologies for the production of chemicals and fuels with >70% reduction in GHG emissions. Additionally, these FOAs will support the President’s goal to produce 3 billion gallons of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) per year and reduce aviation emissions by 20% by 2030, both of which will unlock the potential for a fully zero-carbon aviation sector by 2050.  

Full Application Submission Deadline: TBD 

EERE website: If Applicants wish to receive official notifications and information from EERE regarding these FOAs, they should register in EERE eXCHANGE. When the FOAs are released, apps will be accepted only through EERE eXCHANGE. 

Questions View Notice 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Responses to questions are posted to the FAQs webpage.
Please reach out to Maureen Langlois ( for concept development questions and Pam Schlegel ( for submission questions.

Basket full of fresh fruits and veggiesOhio’s Specialty Crop Block Grant (SCBG)
Please find below an update on the SCBG process for 2023’s funding round. Below are key dates of note:

February 10, 2023 at 12:00PM Ohio’s RFP & Application Release

February 22, 2023 at 11:00AM ODA SCBG Informational Webinar

March 24, 2023 at 5:00PM EST Application Deadline

The RFP and app will be available on ODA’s website. Additionally, ODA will be hosting a short informational webinar on the app & award process on 2/22 at 11:00 AM.

ODA Website Questions

Researcher working in a greenhouse holding a clipboard as he analyzes plants next to the words, "2023 CFAES Celebration of Research Wek, March 27 - 31. You're Invited!" Save the Date for the Research Forum & Poster Competition as part of the 2023 Celebration of Research Wee
The CFAES Celebration of Research Week will take place March 27-31. Throughout the week, R&GE will highlight CFAES researchers via our social media platforms and host the 2023 Poster Competitions. The festivities will wrap with an update on the CFAES research enterprise followed by the recognition of the research award winners and the poster competition winners during the Research Forum, formally known as the Annual Research Conference.

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FFAR AgMission Request for Applications: Regenerative Agriculture for Climate Resilient Farms and Supply Chains
Pre-applications are due on February 22 by 5:00pm ET; if invited, full proposals are due by May 17.

The AgMission initiative (in partnership with Pepsi Co) is launching a funding opportunity for action research to accelerate the adoption of Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) and improve climate resiliency of farms and food supply chains for North American commodity crops. FFAR invites applications to develop paired research and practice implementation projects that identify opportunities for increased adoption of climate resilient practices and document the impact on key physical and economic variables at the farm level. Specifically, this opportunity seeks to identify practices that promote climate resilience and align with regenerative agriculture goals, including building soil health and fertility, reducing greenhouse gas emissions or increasing soil organic carbon. Additional regenerative co-benefits of practice

adoption may include reducing fertilizer loss to watersheds and increasing biodiversity on working lands. The full RFA can be accessed here.

FFAR plans to award up to $6M in grants through this program, with individual projects not to exceed $1.5M over three years. Matching funds are not required, but collaborative partnerships that provide additional funding are encouraged.

Request Services View RFA

Recent Awards

Nicholas Basta - SENR, $179,333: Review and assess the state of PFAS science in agriculture to improve knowledge and understanding of agricultural PFAS issues and conduct a suite of PFAS research projects to inform NRCS activities, Univ of Colorado

Alia Dietsch - SENR, $82,435: DISES: Using continent-wide participatory science to model the dynamic outcomes for humans and birds in a socio-environmental system, Virginia Polytechnic Institute

Erdal Ozkan - FABE, $232,290: Evaluating within-canopy airflow, plant structure, and spray techniques to improve droplet penetration, University of Tennessee

Nicole Sintov - SENR, $38,368: INFEWs/T3 RCN: Cultivating a national collaborative for research on food, energy, and water education (NC-FEW), Virginia Polytechnic Inst.

Eric Toman - SENR, $24,506: Barriers to prescribed fire use by the Department of Defense, Bureau of Land Management

Hanping Wang - Piketon South Centers, Sea Grant StriperHub: Commercial striped Bass hatchery, fingerling production, and intensive larval rearing, NCSU

Christopher Winslow - SENR (CLEAR), $2,962,444: H2Ohio wetland monitoring: Sensor infrastructure & capacity, ODNR

Thomas Worley - Piketon South Centers, $100,000: MEP small manufacturers, Ohio Department of Development

Events & Opportunities

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