CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


CFAES Multi-State Travel Funds Proces

In support of the federal multistate research, the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station (OAES) has allocated funds to support travel for OSU faculty with OAES research appointments to participate in multistate research committee meetings as an official committee member [as documented with an Appendix E for the committee as recorded in the National Information Management and Support System -- NIMSS. 

  1. Eligibility: 
    1. Travel funds up to $1,250 can be awarded to full-time tenure-track faculty, research scientists, and non-tenured research faculty with budgeted OAES research appointments.
    2. The following are not eligible: faculty without research appointments, visiting faculty on sabbatical, visiting faculty on one-year appointments, post-docs, graduate students, and undergraduate students.  
  2. Travel funds under this program are limited to up to $1,250 per multistate project per year
  3. The travel funds will be primarily used to support the travel of the official OSU representative for the multistate project.  If only one OSU person is on a committee, they are the official representative. If multiple OSU personnel are on a committee, the official representative is the individual responsible for the coordination and submission of the annual OSU report for that multi-state project. If the official rep cannot attend the meeting, s/he can designate another member to attend the meeting and receive the travel support funds.
  4. Requests must be submitted prior to travel. Please allow up to 2 weeks for processing.
  5. OSU travel policy applies to all expenditures. 

Procedures for Requesting Travel Funds:

  1. Initiate your spend authorization (SA#) in Workday as early as possible:
    1. The SA should match the amount requested and should not be combined with other/unrelated travel expenses.
    2. Gift (GF) or OSP (GR#) work tags should not be included with the request.
  2. Once SA is approved, complete Multi-State Research Travel Funds Request Form and return to Branden Ritter,
  3. Expenditures will not be covered by multistate research funds if the travel request is submitted after travel is completed.
  4. Once the travel has been approved by the associate director, you will receive an approval letter. The funds will then be transferred to the department.

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