CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Faculty Investigators

​​​​Faculty Application Templates

The information below is strictly for FY25 and does not reflect objective and/or eligibility of previous IGP competition years.

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New Researcher Incentive Program 

Objective: CFAES recognizes that many new researchers have the interest and ability to develop innovative and robust research programs that can generate preliminary data needed to secure externally funded sponsored projects. The New Researcher Incentive Program aims to fund new, innovative research to generate that preliminary data.

Eligibility: Principal Investigators must be in a tenure-eligible position, research scientists, or postdoctoral researchers in an academic unit or program within CFAES. New Researchers must also have been employed at OSU for less than six years in their current position and have PI status approval from the Office of Research. Adjunct or Emeritus faculty are not eligible. Positions designated as limited or Co-PI status by the Office of Research are not eligible.

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Immediate Needs Program

Objective: CFAES recognizes the high potential to address immediate needs areas that are critical to our stakeholders and society. The Immediate Needs program provides funding to address critical needs by exploring new areas of research that CFAES does not currently address and/or applied research that directly supports CFAES stakeholders. The program will also consider funding projects that provide researchers and teams the resources to learn or develop new techniques or approaches that will position CFAES to better serve stakeholders or make faculty more competitive for future funding opportunities.

Proposals must be submitted by a group (2 or more) of investigators. Investigators (both lead and Co-PI) may be from the same academic unit, but not the same lab.  

Eligibility: All CFAES researchers with Principal Investigator status are eligible to submit a proposal (except adjunct and emeritus faculty).  

*Proposals must be submitted by a group of 2 or more investigators. Investigators may be from the same academic unit, but not the same lab.

Proposals for Fiscal Year 2025 are due October 2, 2024. All proposals are due by 5:00 PM EST on the deadline date.

IGP Information Sessions

Interested in learning more about the CFAES Office for Research & Graduate Education Internal Grants Program? The recorded information session will introduce you to the IGP competition categories, eligibility requirements, submission portal, and application and review processes. 

Presentation Slides Recorded Presentation


Please direct all questions and concerns regarding the IGP FY 2025 competition to the IGP Coordinator, Alexandria Maddox, at You can also peruse our Frequently Asked Questions document to find answers to commonly asked questions regarding the program. 

Ask a Question View FAQs