CFAES Give Today
Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


CFAES Research & Graduate Education Internal Grants Program

Internal Grants Faculty Program 

Applications for FY25 Program are now being accepted and are due no later than 5:00 PM EST on October 2nd, 2024. Apply Now!

The CFAES Office for Research & Graduate Education is pleased to announce the FY 2025 R&GE Internal Grants Program (IGP) Faculty Competition Request for Proposals is now available. Please share the RFP with investigators in your department.

The CFAES Internal Grants Program (IGP) is a unique funding opportunity for CFAES researchers and is designed to accomplish the following objectives: 

  • Increase the competitiveness of researchers in extramural grant programs. 
  • Enhance and encourage creative and innovative research needed to prepare competitive extramural proposals. 
  • Encourage the development of intellectual property. 
  • Promote the creation of faculty teams to develop competitive extramural grant applications by addressing immediate needs. 

View RFP Learn More Submit an Application 

Internal Grants Graduate Program

Applications for FY25 Program are now being accepted and are due no later than 5:00 PM EST on December 4th, 2024. Apply Now!

The CFAES Office for Research & Graduate Education FY 2025 Internal Grants Program (IGP) is pleased to announce the Graduate Student Competition Request for Proposals is now available.

The CFAES Internal Grants Program (IGP) Graduate Competition is a unique funding opportunity for CFAES graduate students and is designed to accomplish the following objectives:

  • Provide graduate students with an opportunity to gain experience with research methods in food, agriculture, environmental sciences, human ecology and related social sciences.
  • Introduce graduate students to the grant-writing and peer-review processes.
  • Stimulate faculty-graduate student collaborations and mentoring of graduate students by CFAES faculty.

View RFP Learn More Submit an Application

Internal Grants Undergraduate Program

Applications for FY25 Program are now being accepted and are due no later than 5:00 PM EST on December 6th, 2024. Apply Now!

The CFAES Office for Research & Graduate Education FY 2025 Internal Grants Program (IGP) is pleased to announce the Undergraduate Student Competition Request for Proposals is now available.

The CFAES Internal Grants Program (IGP) Undergraduate Competition is a unique funding opportunity for CFAES undergraduate students and is designed to accomplish the following objectives:

  • Provide undergraduate students with an opportunity to gain experience with research methods in food, agriculture, environmental sciences, human ecology and related social sciences.
  • Stimulate faculty-undergraduate student collaborations and mentoring of students by CFAES faculty.
  • Help identify students who have the potential for graduate school and research careers.

View RFP Learn More Submit an Application

IGP Reporting

To submit your annual, interim or final report, please select the button below. 

Submit Report

The fiscal year 2024 IGP Final Report is now available. This report includes information about submissions, number of projects funded, and a complete listing of all funded projects. 

View FY24 Report