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Office for Research and Graduate Education

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Startup Midwest: The premier event for rising technology entrepreneurs

Ohio State and central Ohio are quickly becoming the place for entrepreneurs to grow and thrive. We have the talent, financial capital, space and resources to power the next world-changing software idea.

To celebrate and showcase our role, the Center for Software Innovation is hosting Startup Midwest: the premier event for rising technology entrepreneurs — an inaugural event that will provide valuable content, education, resources and opportunities for early-stage technology entrepreneurs and others.

Learn from the experts if your start up idea is hot, what venture capitalists are looking for when providing funds, and how to pitch your startup so people understand its value. Startup Midwest will feature keynotes by technology leaders and entrepreneurs and engaging breakouts focused on artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, fintech, cloud infrastructure, blockchain and more. Learn more about the Startup Midwest speakers.