Research and graduate studies are inextricably linked, which is why our office has personnel monitoring the many pieces that keep our research engine going. Our office is organized around three important functions: Pre-Award Administration, Post-Award Administration, and Graduate Education. We provide proposal research and development, financial guidance, administrative oversight, and other research administration support services to faculty, staff, and students who pursue and receive grant and contract awards.
We help CFAES pursue grants to enhance teaching, research and public service. Listed below are some of the services available in our office:
- Prospect Research - provide assistance in searching for potential external funding opportunities
- Proposal Development - assist with the narrative development, proofreading and editing of proposals
- Budget Preparation - provide assistance with budget development and guidance on funding agency and university budget requirements
- Proposal Submission - obtain university approval and electronically package proposals for submissions to funding agency
- Post Award Activities - oversee fiscal and administrative compliance with awards, contracts and other grant requirements; provide information, analysis, financial advice and other professional services; and support the institution's cost-recovery goals
- We have offices on both the Wooster and Columbus campuses. Please stop by or contact us to see how we can help you!